Documentation regarding the Asynchronous Programming Model (APM) and the Event-based Asynchronous Pattern (EAP)

The Asynchronous Programming Model (APM) and the Event-based Asynchronous Pattern (EAP) are marked as legacy by Microsoft. The new pattern is called TAP – Task-based Asynchronous Pattern. So there is a lot to learn again. In this weekly MSDN Dive I want to show you some very interesting documentation and resources regarding parallel programming in the Microsoft .NET Framework.

Parallel Programming in the .NET Framework – Learn:

  • Fundamentals of parallel computing in the .NET Framework.
  • What the Task Parallel Library (TPL) is.
  • What Parallel LINQ (PLINQ) is.
  • About data structures for coordination of parallel operations.
  • How everything relates to managed threads.

Parallel Diagnostics Tools – Learn:

  • How to debug concurrent operations in your application.
  • About the debugging tools Visual Studio provides to find problems in parallel applications.
  • How to use the parallel stacks window in Visual Studio.
  • How to use the tasks window in Visual Studio.
  • How to debug a parallel application.

Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP) – Learn:

  • What the TAP is and how it works.
  • What the differences between tasks and threads are.
  • About parameters and return types in asynchronous operations.
  • How to start asynchronous operations.
  • How to cancel asynchronous operations.
  • How to handle exceptions in asynchronous operations.
  • How to report progress with the IProgress<T> interface.

Parallel Computing – Find:

  • Many resources on parallel computing and programming with the .NET Framework.
  • Videos demonstrating the strength of parallel computing.
  • Open Source projects embracing parallel computing.
  • Links to blogs dealing with parallel computing.

Enjoy the MSDN!

Reference: MSDN Dive – Week 38 from our NCG partner Robin Sedlaczek at the Robin Sedlaczek’s Blog blog.

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