Documentation regarding TAP – Task-based Asynchronous Pattern

Last week we saw the TAP – Task-based Asynchronous Pattern, which is the recommended new approach for asynchronous programming in the Microsoft .NET Framework. This week I want to show you some sophisticated MSDN topics about asynchronous programming in general and the TAP in particular.

Custom Partitioners for PLINQ and TPL – Learn:

  • How data is divided into partitions or chunks when using PLINQ (Parallel LINQ).
  • What static and load balancing partitioners are and how to configure them.
  • How to implement custom partitioners for advanced parallel scenarios.

Task Schedulers – Learn:

  • What TaskSchedulers are and how they relate to the ThreadPool.
  • What nested and child tasks are.
  • What global and local queues are and how tasks are assigned to them.
  • How advantages of data locality are used by local queues.
  • How to bypass the ThreadPool for long-running tasks.

Lambda Expressions in PLINQ and TPL – Learn:

  • How Lambda expressions are used in PLINQ and the TPL.
  • The role of the Func delegate and the Action delegate.
  • How to use the delegates to pass in your custom program logic to parallel operations.

Enjoy the MSDN!

Reference: MSDN Dive – Week 39 from our NCG partner Robin Sedlaczek at the Robin Sedlaczek’s Blog blog.

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